Founder of
Garis Sepuluh
Arie Kuncoro Untung
Arie Untung is a public figure who has been in the creative industry for more than 20 years, starting from a television program presenter, movie star, soap opera star, advertising model, to becoming a film producer. one of his best presents is “3 (Alif Lam Mim)”
Moslem Choice Award
as a driving force for the Islamic economy, especially in the media sector.

Teuku Wisnu
An Acehnese man, starting his career as an advertisement star, Teuku Wisnu’s name soared when he Act as Farel in the soap opera “Cinta Fitri”. Currently known as one of the Hijrah artists, entrepreneurs and presenters of religious program.
Award Received :
• as “top actor” for 4 consecutive years (2007,
2008, 2009 dan 2010)
• Panasonic Global Aword 2009 (Favorite Actor
• Panasonic Globar Award 2015 (Religious
Presenter Category)

"Memang kartun Indonesia banyak tapi kedekatan dengan value kearifan lokal jarang, kemudian yang membedakan Riko adalah gimana anak-anak tertarik dengan science, rasa penasaran tinggi mereka ini semoga bisa menciptakan hal berguna untuk bangsa,"
Arie Untung
Follow @garissepuluh
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